Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 15, 2022

First of all, you should know Who we are? So, basically, we are a hotel, motel, and accommodation info provider company. So, your privacy is important to us and our privacy is important to you. By visiting our site you are accepting our site’s privacy policy.

This Privacy Policy explains our policies regarding the use and collection of your information when you use the service and describe your privacy rights. We use your personal data to improve the service.

Interpretation and Definitions

The below-mentioned definitions shall have the same meaning whether they are in singular or in the plural. The words with the capitalized initial letter may mean the following conditions.

The purposes of this Privacy Policy:

  • Company word that is referred to as either “the Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this agreement refers to
  • Cookies are files that are placed on your mobile, computer, or any other device by a website and contain your browsing details history on that website.
  • Country refers to California, United States
  • Personal Data is information that refers to an identification of an individual.
  • Device means any digital device like a cellphone, computer, or tablet.
  • Third-party Social Medica Service refers to any website through which a user can log in or create an account.
  • Service means the websites
  • Service Provider means a legal and authorized person who provides information or data on behalf of the company.
  • Usage Data refers to data that is automatically collected.
  • You refer to the individuals who access and use the service of the website, company, or other legal entity.
  • Website refers to Global Hotel Finder, accessible from

Information We Collect

We have not created any login or sign-up page for our users to connect to us. That is why simply we don’t need your first name, last name, etc. But, if you are doing comments or trying to contact us then you have to give your personal data like:

  • Email address
  • First name and last name
  • Usage Data

Just to visit our site and book any accommodation never need your name and email id. We just collect your id address. it is necessary for us. But this remains private to us.

About Usage Data

The Usage Data means information about your device’s browser type, internet protocol address, IP address, and browser version. Also, that means the date and time of your visit, time spent on the visit, unique device identifiers, and other data.

If you access our website through mobile then we may collect some specific information like the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device’s unique ID, the IP address of your mobile device, the operating system of your mobile, and the type of mobile internet browser you use.

Methods of Collection and Why We Need Your Data

There are two methods to collect your data. One is automatically and another is provided by you. So, if you normally visit our site then your id address will be collected automatically by the site. But, if you are commenting on the site or trying to contact us then you have to provide your details.

Now, the other question is why we need this? We need your id address to know from where our site is getting more visitors. The details you need to know who is commenting and who want to contact us on our site. Now, this is clear.

We also need your data to notify you about any of our important updates.

Use of Your Personal Data

We may use Personal Data for the following purposes:

We collect your personal data to maintain and provide our service and to monitor the usage of the service.

We use your email to contact you. We also need your email to provide electronic communications like push notifications regarding informative communication and updates.

To provide you with news about special offers, updates, information, and other services.

To manage and attend to your requests to us.

For other purposes: We may use your information for other purposes like usage trends, and data analysis, to improve our services, products and marketing, and your experience.

Retention of Your Personal Data

The website will retain your personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. We will store and use your personal data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements. We will also retain usage data for our analysis purposes, but these data will be retained for a very little period.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

No transfer of your personal data will take place to any organization or country unless there are adequate controls in place.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

Law Enforcement. We may be required to disclose your personal data under certain circumstances if we are required to do so by law or other legal requirements.

Business Transactions. If we are involved in an acquisition or sale, we may transfer your personal data. But we will provide your notice before your personal data is transferred.

Other legal requirements. We may also disclose your personal data to protect the rights of the company, protect against any legal liability, protect your personal safety, and other legal obligations.

Security of Your Personal Data

For us, the most important thing is the security of your personal data, but remember that no electronic storage is 100% secure. We are always there to protect your personal data, but we cannot guarantee it’s completely safe and secure.

Cookies Policy

Cookies or Browser Cookies. Actually, a cookie is a small text file that our site may send to the user’s device to know the user’s activity on our site. By accepting the cookie policy you are showing us your activity on the site only. Users preferred language, device settings, and some other properties may save to the site by cookie. We directly never make a cookie policy. But the other platforms and sites that are connected with us may use the cookie policy. It also helps to tighten the security of the website.

Web Beacons. Some sections of our services may have electronic files named web beacons that permit the individual or company.

Flash Cookies. Some sections or features of our website or service may use local stored objects or Flash cookies to store information about your activity or preference on our service. Learn more about cookies here.

Children Under 13

This is a travel-related site. So, this is not for children. Now we don’t want the age of anyone. So, you have to make sure that you are above 13. Don’t do any comments or try to contact us without reading this policy if you are under 13.

Links to Other Websites

We always advise reviewing the Privacy Policy of every site you visit. We don’t have any control over the Privacy Policy of any third-party site or services.

Future Changes to Privacy Policy

We have the right to change the privacy policy according to the updates of the travel industry. We will make updates to this for our users. For your knowledge, you will update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this privacy policy page.


At some point, we need to get in touch with our customers. That is why communication between the site and customers is necessary. By emails and comments, we can communicate. If you have any doubt or problem then you can communicate with us.

For more, you can check our contact us page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us.

Our E-mail- [email protected]

Privacy Policy for Global Hotel Finder

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